Blog Journal #4


I chose 6th grade ELA technology standards to look at for this assignment. The standard that I want to focus on is LAFS.6.SL.2.5 which talks about the importance of including visual displays and multimedia components. This meaning that it is important to have a wide variety of components in a lesson in order to appeal to all students learning styles. You can do this as a teacher by including visual graphics on presentations, using creative applications on the computers for projects, using audio or videos found online, etc. I do feel prepared to implement this standard into my future classroom because I have had to work with different educational technology tools as I have moved through my education. Through the repetition of project styles I have run into over the years I feel confident enough to utilize the technology and teach others how to utilize it.

One of the tools I found on CPALMS for middle school visual arts were handouts. The one I think that would be most helpful to me and I would definitely implement into my classroom is the elements of design handout. I would want to use this in my classroom as the elements and principles of design have always been important to understand and implement in my art classes for projects. Every year I would relearn them in another class and I always felt that when a visual representation was provided, I could better understand the distinctions. This handout provides both written and visual definitions for each element of design which will help students with understanding each element.

I feel that it is important to be proficient at internet searching as a teacher so that when you are in the middle of class and a student has questions you may not already have the answers too you can quicky and efficiently find an answer for them online. Being able to internet search efficiently is also a big time saver when you have to answer quick questions for yourself when putting together lesson plans or coming up with project ideas. The google advanced search option was something I did not know about before so learning about that was very helpful. I will be using that internet searching method a lot more in my life for both school and jobs.
