Blog #7

    I was able to find a few examples of teacher class pages on the Leon County High School website. I noticed looking through these that the teachers typically list all their contact information and the office hours at which they can be reached through these modes of communication. Also listed is the class syllabus for each of the different classes that teachers are running for the year. The last thing that is very important listed on the pages are the class calendars for each class period throughout the day.

When I eventually become an art teacher, I envision using technology for my classroom in order to keep information organized and easily accessible for myself and the students. I will create a teacher website or use the resources the school provides for me to post important information like the class syllabus, class schedule, contact information, and office hours. I think that canvas is a great site to use when organizing all of this information or using a website generator like Wix to create your own site. I think that resources like this will benefit not only the students when it comes to getting information but will also help to keep me organized so that I can keep the classroom running smoothly.

I personally do not look forward to using wiki again in the future with my students. I am not great with new technology and found that wiki is confusing to use especially at first when trying to figure it out so quickly. I think that with a little more practice and instruction I could get a better understanding of how to utilize this resource as a teacher.  However, when I do learn how to navigate it better I feel this could be another helpful place to create a page with all the information you need to give students access to.
