
Showing posts from September, 2021

Blog Journal #5

      I personally have not used twitter much throughout my life unless it was for a college course. The first time I ever used twitter was in one of my first college English courses. We used it for posting comments about issues or articles we had read in class as well as used it to discuss these things with other students in the class. I have only used twitter for academic purposes and have not used it recreationally or professionally before. However, I do think that this is a useful resource for making connections with other people in your field of work in order to expand your professional network.     The digital divide amongst schools has begun to negatively impact those students who do not have access to technology in schools. Technology is becoming more involved in the classroom and in the real world every day. The students need to be prepared to use all of these new technologies once they are higher up in their education and in the real world. B...

Blog Journal #4

  I chose 6 th grade ELA technology standards to look at for this assignment. The standard that I want to focus on is LAFS.6.SL.2.5 which talks about the importance of including visual displays and multimedia components. This meaning that it is important to have a wide variety of components in a lesson in order to appeal to all students learning styles. You can do this as a teacher by including visual graphics on presentations, using creative applications on the computers for projects, using audio or videos found online, etc. I do feel prepared to implement this standard into my future classroom because I have had to work with different educational technology tools as I have moved through my education. Through the repetition of project styles I have run into over the years I feel confident enough to utilize the technology and teach others how to utilize it. One of the tools I found on CPALMS for middle school visual arts were handouts. The one I think that woul...

Blog Journal #3

Copyrighting your own work means that you are the only one that can use and distribute that work. It is not only important to protect your own work but is also important to understand the copyrighting laws in order to avoid accidental plagiarism. The copyright act of 1976 explains the fair use guidelines and how they allow people to copy some parts of materials for educational purposes. It also depends on how much of a material you are copying when writing your own work. I think as a teacher it is extremely important to make students aware of these boundaries and rules when it comes to using others’ materials in their own work. The best way to do this as a teacher is to make sure that you teach your students how to correctly cite the sources they are quoting from and make it a requirement on assignments. This way, students will learn from an early age how important it is to pay attention to copyright laws in order to avoid things like accidental plagiarism later in ...

Image Attribution

    "art tools still life" by hannes.a.schwetz is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 
  Throughout all my years in school, for as long as I can remember, I have always had to use Microsoft word for assignments for school. I learned how to use it more in middle school and high school when I got a school computer and had to rely on it and the Microsoft software in order to complete most of my assignments. I still prefer Microsoft Word to other word processing software as it is what I am used to using and don’t usually go outside of my comfort zone when it comes to technology. I feel that it is very easy to use and to navigate whether you are using it to take notes, write an essay, put together a resume, etc. Personally, I feel like out of the ISTE Standards for Educators listed the Designer standard is most meaningful to me. The designer standard states how important it is for the teacher to design activities and a classroom environment that is meant to accommodate students with varying learning abilities. It is important to keep in mind that not a...
     Hi Everyone! My name is Savannah and I am currently a senior at Florida State University. I am majoring in studio art and minoring in education and am planning on applying to the grad school Art Education program. I am from Orlando, FL and have lived in Florida for the majority of my life. I hope to get a job as an art teacher somewhere in Florida after I graduate with my Art Education masters in 2023. My goal is to eventually work my way up to being a high school level art teacher.     I personally do not have a wide range of technological experiences especially outside of the classroom or homework assignments. However, I have taken a few graphic design courses throughout the BA program so I know my way around the Adobe suite for the most part. I also know how to use PowerPoint, Microsoft word, and Google slides. I am somewhat technologically challenged as I tend to lean towards the old way of doing everything by hand and on paper. I do hope to learn ...